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6 Home Remedies a Man Should Try to Get Rid of Baldness

by Priyal Kalra 03 Dec 2020


It mainly occurs due to natural factors.

Male pattern baldness causes include ageing, hormonal changes, and hair loss in family history i.e., genetics.

There are no existing medications for baldness.

However, you can slow it down through some purely natural techniques.

These home remedies can also improve your hair’s health.

Read on to find out some natural tweaks you can apply to reduce baldness

1. Massage Your Hair With Essential Oils

Studies say that certain essential oils help supplement your hair follicles and prevent baldness.

You can easily treat yourself with a self-hair massage at your home with peppermint, sesame, or lavender oils. Massage for a few minutes every day for best results.

Peppermint essential oil massage is one of the best hair loss treatment for men.

Combine it with an oil of your choice, like coconut oil and start massaging gently.

Apply it on your scalp and let it stay for 5 minutes.

Finally, wash it away using your shampoo and conditioner.

2. Apply Garlic Juice In Your Hair

Garlic has plenty of vitamins that enable hair loss reversal.

It is also anti-bacterial.

This protects the scalp from damages.

Hence, it is a great remedy to prevent premature hair loss in men.

Mix garlic in the minced form with slightly warm coconut oil.

Apply the blend into the scalp and let it stay for 30 minutes. Wash it off after this.

3. Do An Onion Juice Massage

Onion actively promotes hair growth.

These readily available vegetables have high sulphur content. This enables better hair growth.

Further, onion helps fight scalp infections and promote the growth of collagen.

Apply onion juice to your hair and leave it for about 15 minutes.

After this, clean it off with your shampoo.

Follow this every day for best results.

4. Apply Green Tea In Your Hair

Green tea is a great medicine for hair loss treatment for men at home.

The components of green tea can promote hair growth, according to studies.

Use it for a few months for the best results.
Here’s how you can do it

First, boil two bags of green tea in a cup of water. After this, let it cool down and finally apply it to your hair. Wash it away after an hour.

Follow this for at least ten days for the best results.

5. Massage Hair With Coconut Milk

Numerous hair conditioners and shampoos contain coconut.

This is due to its impressive moisturizing ability.

Note that baldness is mainly caused by dehydration of scalp.

In this situation, coconut milk can restore the scalp’s health.

Massage coconut milk into your hair and leave it for 10 minutes every day.

You will see positive results in a few days.

6. Massage Hair With Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is the best medicine for men’s hair fall and regrowth.

It promotes better scalp health by restoring it.

Besides, it helps hair cells grow back in a favourable state.

There are a plethora of benefits of Aloe Vera.

For instance, it helps remove the clogging oil called sebum that blocks hair growth.

Apply Aloe Vera in your scalp for direct results. Alternatively, you can use a shampoo that contains Aloe Vera.

Moreover, addtional hair growth supplements like Power Gummies work wonders to control hairfall and accelerate hair regrowth.

These tiny yummy gummy bear hair vitamins by Power Gummies, contain a rich amount of Biotin, essential Vitamins and folic acid, that are literally the crucial for nourishment of your hair needs!

Note that spinach and nuts are a great food for men’s hair growth.

Keep using the above male pattern baldness treatment remedies for happy healthy hair.

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