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How Green Coffee is Better than Green Tea

by Priyal Kalra 10 Feb 2021


With an increasing rate of popularity, especially within the health and wellness community, green coffee seems to have made quite a statement with all its beneficial factors.

Providing us with a rich supply of health-promoting plant compounds, it is shocking to most that green coffee beans are simply regular coffee beans that haven’t been roasted and thus, are completely raw. 

Bringing a much milder flavour compared to the harsh tasting roasted coffee beans, green coffee can be used as an alternative to herbal teas.

There are several reasons why green coffee is known to be better than green tea.

It's also observed that green coffee is more vital & beneficial as weight management product than green tea

How is Green Coffee Better Than Green Tea?

Green coffee helps with the release of fatty acids, works as a catalyst in the oxidation of your body fat, helps and improves one’s body’s metabolism rate, and also helps in stimulating the absorption of fat in the liver. 

Thus, it has been known to improve overall health, help burn fat, and protect skin from ageing.

Though green tea may also be known to have similar qualities, based on recent studies, especially while talking about weight loss, green coffee is a lot more effective as the results appear faster. 

Does Research Back This Claim?

In a recent study, overweight and obese individuals were asked to start consuming green coffee bean extract (GCB- 7- 500 mg, 1-2 capsules a day, post meals), to find significant improvement in weight loss.

The study was conducted for twelve consecutive weeks without any changes in their exercise routine and diet.

The outcomes of the study can be seen as nothing but proof of why this product is as popular as it is.

97% of the participants lost about 6% body weight on average, their BMI reduced by almost 5.65%, and there was a decrease in weight circumference by 6.77%.

On the whole, a large number of participants who were obese previously were able to get back to a healthier lifestyle with lesser weight, causing a drastic change in their health overall, as well.

Green coffee beans were able to reduce glucose and calorie absorption, which in turn decreased insulin output and reduced the formation of adipose tissue.

Studies in the past have also said that the same may effectively prevent breast cancer, colon cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and leukaemia. 

Conclusion: Which Is Better?

Though both green tea and green coffee have some exceptional health benefits, the latter has been shown to provide results much faster with better effectiveness.

It can be consumed, for an improvement in one’s health from deep inside and flushing out toxins.

The Beach Body Gummies, by Power Gummies are infused with green coffee extract.

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